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OLPH strives to be a warm, welcoming, inclusive parish community where all who come here can experience the loving and compassionate presence of our Risen Savior Jesus as He gathers us together in His Holy Spirit. The most important thing we do is to gather to celebrate the Eucharist, so that as we are immersed in the Paschal Mystery of His Death and Resurrection we might all be transformed to live His life more deeply. From our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist, as we are sent out to “announce the Gospel of the Lord” and “glorify the Lord” by our life, flows everything else we do as a parish community — all our other liturgies, ministries, activities and gatherings. You can read all about them at this website. |
I hope this site is helpful to you in whatever information you are looking for. Take some time to search it and click on the various links. Feel free to contact us if you need further information or if we can be of assistance to you.
As we seek to follow Jesus Christ together, let’s aim high in Christ. Together, let’s bring out the best in each other. Together, let’s be the best we can be in Christ. And let’s always remember: LOVE IS A GIFT. Sincerely, Msgr. Joe DeGrocco Pastor |