Levels 3,4,5
General Policies:
Parent Meetings:
- Here at OLPH, we value the importance of Levels 3, 4, and 5 to the faith formation program. These levels should not be viewed as less than the sacramental years. Therefore if these levels are missed, the students will be required to attend catch-up classes in addition to their regular classes.
- Occasionally, under rare circumstances, a parent is permitted for one year to parent teach their child at home. This is only permitted for Levels 3, 4 or 5.
- Absences―Due to the limited amount of classes, students are allowed to miss up to 5 classes. At the 6th absence, the student will be required to make-up a class at the end of the year.
Parent Meetings:
- Two parent meetings take place during your child’s class time.
- These meetings include an Open House and a Workshop, in which the parents take an interactive part in the program.
- Make-up Parent Meetings―Due to the size and demands of the program, especially on Saturdays we cannot offer make-up meetings for these levels. The meetings are designed to have the parents interact with their child during their class time.