In the absence of a formally-instituted Lector at a Mass, lay persons are authorized to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture. These lay people are members of the Ministry of Reader. The person authorized to fulfill this ministry must be someone who is truly suited to carrying out the function and who is carefully prepared for the role.
Those who read Sacred Scripture should develop in the hearts of the faithful that which the General Instruction of the Roman Missal calls “a sweet and living affection for Sacred Scripture.” Obviously, this means that the Ministry of Reader demands as a starting point the ability to read well in public. However, it also demands an understanding and a love of Scripture.
The Reader’s goal is to make the proclamation of the Word of God so engaging that the faithful in the assembly are drawn into an encounter with the living God. At Our Lady of Perpetual Help, those in the ministry of reader are provided with extensive training, spiritual formation and support materials to enable them to succeed to their full capacity.
Those who read Sacred Scripture should develop in the hearts of the faithful that which the General Instruction of the Roman Missal calls “a sweet and living affection for Sacred Scripture.” Obviously, this means that the Ministry of Reader demands as a starting point the ability to read well in public. However, it also demands an understanding and a love of Scripture.
The Reader’s goal is to make the proclamation of the Word of God so engaging that the faithful in the assembly are drawn into an encounter with the living God. At Our Lady of Perpetual Help, those in the ministry of reader are provided with extensive training, spiritual formation and support materials to enable them to succeed to their full capacity.